Agriculture & Child Labor Laws

I don’t know how familiar any of my readers are with being on a working farm or just being around livestock. Here’s the short version: You can get “unalived” or maimed out there in a heartbeat and, in at least 90% of the cases, you won’t be even missed for hours, and even when youContinue reading “Agriculture & Child Labor Laws”

Still Running-Sort of

When I was a youngster, running came easily. Now I can’t remember the last time I ran for any reason. Not physically anyway although I probably have at some point in time. It just gets to where these joints make it clear that they do not enjoy the activity anymore. Plus, the xrays that theContinue reading “Still Running-Sort of”

May You Have Health & Wealth in 2024

It looks to be a good year for our nation under the leadership of Joe Biden as the economy has taken off chugging like the steam locomotives my Grandpa used to work on for Southern Railway. The stock market finished the year at the highest mark ever. So much for all the gloom and prophesyingContinue reading “May You Have Health & Wealth in 2024”

Oh, Boy, Another Healthcare Promise (Congress, Please Make It Stop)

Now we have yet another campaign promise for an alternative healthcare program. *yawn* I’m still waiting on him, and the entire party for that matter, to come up with an alternative to the Affordable Care Act enacted on March 23, 2010. They have had over thirteen YEARS to formulate something and so far, the resultsContinue reading “Oh, Boy, Another Healthcare Promise (Congress, Please Make It Stop)”


Now if you wonder why this is such a big deal, here comes a rather harsh statement, but you need to hear it. If you wonder that, you must be white and at least middle class with employment-based healthcare insurance. If that describes you and you are wondering just what in the heck I’m talkingContinue reading “TWICE”

Democrats in Rural Areas

If you are old enough, you will remember this photograph appearing in LIFE magazine. The majority of you will not. That is John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was still a Senator at the time, campaigning for the Presidency in rural West Virginia. This was a man who was born into great wealth just like Donald Trump.Continue reading “Democrats in Rural Areas”

Electric Gratitude!

Now there’s a concept that the people who don’t like “wokeness” will really have a time with! They’re always big on how if poor people were more grateful for what they were getting, they would take better care of their homes, cars, clothes,…and they would last longer and so on so forth. Sometimes I getContinue reading “Electric Gratitude!”

Persistent, Passionate, and On YOUR Side

I went to and participated in the Candidate Forum hosted by the LaGrange/Troup County Chamber of Commerce and the Lagrange Daily News. My opponent was there, of course. I really don’t care for the things because you cannot get into the topics with answers that are only one minute long and ‘off-the-cuff’. I’m a moreContinue reading “Persistent, Passionate, and On YOUR Side”

Where Do Our Schools Rank? Top? Bottom? Middle? Is Kemp Lying to Us Or Not?

One of my passions has always been an education for children, especially underprivileged children or children with some sort of problem. It probably stems from my own love of reading and sheer joy and fascination with all things science. (Though I will admit to shortcomings in math. But I blame that on what I nowContinue reading “Where Do Our Schools Rank? Top? Bottom? Middle? Is Kemp Lying to Us Or Not?”

“Ahem! You’re forgetting something here, we’re humans, too!”

The obvious truth here is that “Democrats want to help PEOPLE, while Republicans want to hold POWER”.