Electric Gratitude!

Now there’s a concept that the people who don’t like “wokeness” will really have a time with! They’re always big on how if poor people were more grateful for what they were getting, they would take better care of their homes, cars, clothes,…and they would last longer and so on so forth. Sometimes I getContinue reading “Electric Gratitude!”

We Still Have Much To Do

Just because the numbers did not go my way does not mean that I’m quitting. Far from it. I’m taking a break, then I’ll be back. Persistence is what I am good at doing. Refresh yourselves, drink deeply at whatever springs of renewal you need, and then come back fighting. They just think they wonContinue reading “We Still Have Much To Do”

Now THIS Slate of Candidates Looks Like Georgia!

I am so proud of the Democratic Party in Georgia for the sheer diversity and QUALITY of the candidates in this race. It is unbelievably representative of the faces I see every single day in Georgia. Can’t say that about the other side. They look like Wonder Bread. They’re so white, it is blinding. Let’sContinue reading “Now THIS Slate of Candidates Looks Like Georgia!”

Religion Plus Government Equals Trouble On A Grand Scale

This is going to be a “quick and dirty” history lesson because to fully do it justice would take much, much too long. So just hang on, buckle your seat belts, and if you want more info, Google will take you there. It’s bloody, brutal, and endlessly fascinating. The Chinese tried it with their ImperialContinue reading “Religion Plus Government Equals Trouble On A Grand Scale”

To Give You An Idea Of How A Candidate Spends Campaign Funds

This running for a political office stuff is definitely not cheap. Not by a very long shot. That’s why it seems that every candidate (including me) keeps asking for financial support. Frankly, we all abhor, hate, despise, and loathe having to do it. It is a necessity, though, because otherwise, those people who are NOTContinue reading “To Give You An Idea Of How A Candidate Spends Campaign Funds”

Don’t Listen to What They “Say”- Look At What They ACTUALLY DO

I’ve met many veterans of various ages, branches of the services, and of every political stripe there is. There are quite a few groups like “Patriot Front” (which is a terrorist group/FBI), “Proud Boys” (terrorist group-FBI), KKK (terrorist-FBI), and numerous other clubs, groups, or whatever they want to call themselves. (Note here: If you areContinue reading “Don’t Listen to What They “Say”- Look At What They ACTUALLY DO”

How Should You Vote This Year?

Of course, I think you should vote Democratic all the way and, most certainly, vote for me! But that’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about actually getting your vote in to the people who will count it. Oh, yeah, that little detail! First things first: Let’s make sure your name is still onContinue reading “How Should You Vote This Year?”

Why Are Our Students So Far Behind?

It is little wonder that our school systems in this state are close to the bottom of the heap. Our STATE ranks 35th in the nation. Now in the 35th ranked State, the school systems in District 29 are near the BOTTOM in our State. We are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel here, especially in Meriwether County. Our children deserve better.