Immigrants And Jobs

That little “dueling border visit” thing that Joe Biden and Donald Trump did this week would have been hilariously funny if it hadn’t been so painfully pathetic. I’m as serious as a massive coronary. On the one hand, you had Donald Trump fumbling his speech, supposedly tripping over Gov. Gavin Newsom’s name (he wasn’t), tryingContinue reading “Immigrants And Jobs”

Stick His Wallet In It

She did it. At least for the time being and we’ll take it. She shut him up. E. Jean Carroll was able to do what nobody else in the country has been able to do. A. Get his attention in a way that no other person has done about a subject that he obviously didContinue reading “Stick His Wallet In It”

It Is Not Inevitable That MAGA Wins

I’ve noticed some things that Main Stream Media (MSM) is not reporting. Now remember that most of the outlets are OWNED by people who are themselves supporters of right-wing causes. They are all very much right-wing leaning or frankly MAGA. That includes the Washington Post (Jeff Bezos although they do try to stay fairly middle-of-the-road),Continue reading “It Is Not Inevitable That MAGA Wins”

Come One, Come All, See The House Circus In Washington, D. C.!

To quote my paternal grandmother, “Well, I never”, and that would be accurate. Indeed, this hasn’t happened in our country’s history before. I’m not a history buff, but I don’t recall it happening in the history of the United Kingdom, France, or elsewhere, although they have had considerably longer and more turbulent histories with theirContinue reading “Come One, Come All, See The House Circus In Washington, D. C.!”

The Very Idea!

That was one of my paternal grandmother’s favorite expressions when she just couldn’t cope with a new idea of some sort, or someone’s behavior was just beyond her standards of polite and civil society (which happened pretty often.) She was born before 1900, so as her spouse was rumored to have remarked, “she would blushContinue reading “The Very Idea!”

History Will Judge Him

People are notoriously inaccurate judges of character a great deal of the time. We like to flatter ourselves that we can “see what kind of a person” someone truly is, but the truth is that every single one of us wears mask after mask after mask. We even hide ourselves FROM ourselves. (Hence, we sometimesContinue reading “History Will Judge Him”

August 1, 2023-A Day For History

At about 5:00 P.M. today, Special Counsel Jack Smith announced that the indictments had been unsealed and four felony charges had been made against Donald John Trump Sr. Now, before anyone gets all emotional about this post, allow me to caution you that this is not a time for jubilation or anger. This is veryContinue reading “August 1, 2023-A Day For History”

He’s Perfect! (At This Anyway)

For a guy with so many blemishes, this is at least an unblemished record. Although it is probably a record he’d rather not have. He’s batting a perfect 1.000 at LOSING every single lawsuit, motion, appeal, and any other legal maneuver that he has attempted since being “fired” from the White House. He wasn’t doingContinue reading “He’s Perfect! (At This Anyway)”

TOOT that Horn!

If you’ve never heard the Call to the Post in person, you’ll have to take my word for it that it does stir up some butterflies in the stomach. I’m not quite sure why, but it does. Every race track in the horse racing world uses it. It’s just a tradition and it sounds beforeContinue reading “TOOT that Horn!”