History Will Judge Him

People are notoriously inaccurate judges of character a great deal of the time. We like to flatter ourselves that we can “see what kind of a person” someone truly is, but the truth is that every single one of us wears mask after mask after mask. We even hide ourselves FROM ourselves. (Hence, we sometimes find the need for various mental health services and therapy.)

We tend to see the qualities in others that we either admire in our own personalities or despise most in ourselves. If you prize honesty above most other traits, then you will tend to seek out people who at least claim to be honest (until they prove themselves to be otherwise.) The catch with that one is the person who “claims” to appreciate honesty but also prizes the ability to cheat on things such as income taxes, shorting orders, and taking home company supplies “because they don’t pay me enough”. (For some reason, they are blind to those lies and dishonesties that they do, but want “honesty” from others? Such irony.)

Another example is the “scandalous” affair of any politician who seduces an office worker who is most likely much younger and only there as an intern. These days it could be of either gender and the variations of involvement are nearly endless. While I’m not “in favor” of the behavior (primarily because it very often raises the specter of security issues and employer-employee relations that boggle the mind), it amuses/exasperates me that the very people who are waggling the finger of shame at the Democrats being the “Party of Pizza Parlor Pedophiles” seem to be the ones who repeatedly turn out to be the ones who are again and again hauled off to jail for incest, juvenile pornography, pedophilia, human trafficking of under-age children, and other assorted and sordid charges. I’ve actually gotten to the point that when one of them starts screaming “Pedophile” that I start looking behind bushes and under rocks in their vicinity. It’s almost invariably THEM.

That’s what makes this so profoundly “disturbing” which is the only adjective I can come up with, but it is inadequate.

The Heritage Society and the Federalist Society are both behind this charade of smoke and mirrors and, if you know that, you can discern their hands, money, and minds behind all of this. They are all uber-wealthy people who believe that their wealth confers upon them and only them the universe’s Right to Command the rest of us mere mortals. They are the Gods of Olympus so to speak. Now exactly how having wealth (or a lot of credit in some instances) confers that much wisdom on those few people I don’t rightly know, but that’s the premise. It is not a democratic belief. It is called OLIGARCHY OR kleptocracy. It can be summarized as “if you have enough money to be in the ruling class, you win. If not, you serve the ruling class to your dying day and you will never be a member of the ruling class.”

This garbage has come and gone throughout history. The Chinese had ruling dynasties for hundreds of years-all fell eventually. The Mayans and Aztecs had their empires with ruling priesthoods-all fell in due course. The Russians had the Tsars-then the Bolshevik Revolution. India had theirs. Europe had theirs over and over again. People tend to think that wealth means you’re “smart”. No, it doesn’t. It means that you can take the money your employees make before they get it and make them think that they are really contributing to the company, but it’s really your bankroll.

Trump has taken this even farther. He gets people who don’t even work for him to give him money and lots of it. His followers are bankrolling his legal bills for stealing FROM THEM. The charges include defrauding the voters of their rights. It’s the damnest thing you ever saw. They’re paying millions to his attorneys to defend him for stealing their rights. SMH.

DA Fani Willis has bitten off a great big chunk of a case here in Georgia and she’s fighting for the State of Georgia, the entire Nation, and, to a large extent, the world. I hope and pray she can win this case. I want her to win. I believe she can. So far, all indications are that she will. But I’m aware that things can change on a dime. I’m going to be on pins and needles until the final bang of the gavel. Godspeed, DA Willis, Fulton County, and all law enforcement involved. Stay safe.

Endorsed by Emily’s List

Georgia Equality

Moms against Guns/Everytown

Paid for by The Committee to Elect Ellen T. Wright State Senate D 29
P.O. Box 3816, LaGrange, GA 30241 http://www.wright4georgia.com ellen@wright4georiga.com

Content is copyrighted by the author. It may be republished as long as it is unaltered and proper attribution is given. This included quotes or whole posts. My views are my own. Any errors in factual representations can be brought to my attention with proper documentation. I do not intend to mislead anyone. However, replies with crude or profane language will be ignored. You are hereby warned.

Published by Ellen T Wright

Live in west central GA with 5 horses, 2 dachshunds, 3 cats. Life is complicated. Especially when you are an older female living in rural Georgia and the system is definitely rigged against you. God, I've learned to appreciate at least something of what minorities go through. White men are such boar hogs.

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