Still Running-Sort of

When I was a youngster, running came easily. Now I can’t remember the last time I ran for any reason. Not physically anyway although I probably have at some point in time. It just gets to where these joints make it clear that they do not enjoy the activity anymore. Plus, the xrays that theContinue reading “Still Running-Sort of”

Employers & Unions

From negotiations for better working conditions, day care for single parents, paid sick time for family members, paid vacations, workman’s compensation, safety regulations to keep workers safe on the job, fair hiring and firing practices, fair promotions, fair performance evaluations, and a lot more, unions have brought a lot to the table for American workers.Continue reading “Employers & Unions”

TOOT that Horn!

If you’ve never heard the Call to the Post in person, you’ll have to take my word for it that it does stir up some butterflies in the stomach. I’m not quite sure why, but it does. Every race track in the horse racing world uses it. It’s just a tradition and it sounds beforeContinue reading “TOOT that Horn!”

Two-Spirit People

I’m not going to say that I totally understand the scope of gender identification because that would be a very large falsehood. I do not. Heck, I am a biological female and I do not understand everything about what is generally lumped under the word “women”. (Guys, we are complex beings. What can I tellContinue reading “Two-Spirit People”

Seriously? We’re Going To Make This Into Laws??

Helicopter parents are the absolute WORST nightmare of every teacher and school administrator alive. (And, to tell you the truth, quite a few employers. I kid you not.) These people are so overly invested in making absolutely certain that their offspring are NEVER offended, NEVER have to encounter any obstacles on their journey to adulthood,Continue reading “Seriously? We’re Going To Make This Into Laws??”

Here They Come Again!

Oh, yeah, they’re back at it again. If you are reading this, you will probably remember the uproar about the “Religious Freedom Act” that would have allowed people and businesses around the state to discriminate based on their “profoundly and deeply held religious beliefs”. Well, it’s back. SB 180. Same name, too. Randy Robertson D-29Continue reading “Here They Come Again!”