Christmas Together 2023

Our last Christmas together as a democracy. That sounds really ominous, doesn’t it? But it very well could be the case. I certainly do not want it to be and my optimistic personality says that it won’t be, but I’m realistic enough to realize that in 2016, I didn’t think that our country would electContinue reading “Christmas Together 2023”

Forrest Gump Was Wrong: At Least Half Are Nuts

Boy, was he wrong! And I’ve come to the conclusion that quite a good many of them have gone rancid to boot. All of this is frustrating to me because I do love the “nuts” of society. They’re what makes life interesting, can be special, and different. But, doggone, folks! Enough already with the sheerContinue reading “Forrest Gump Was Wrong: At Least Half Are Nuts”

Seriously? We’re Going To Make This Into Laws??

Helicopter parents are the absolute WORST nightmare of every teacher and school administrator alive. (And, to tell you the truth, quite a few employers. I kid you not.) These people are so overly invested in making absolutely certain that their offspring are NEVER offended, NEVER have to encounter any obstacles on their journey to adulthood,Continue reading “Seriously? We’re Going To Make This Into Laws??”

Here They Come Again!

Oh, yeah, they’re back at it again. If you are reading this, you will probably remember the uproar about the “Religious Freedom Act” that would have allowed people and businesses around the state to discriminate based on their “profoundly and deeply held religious beliefs”. Well, it’s back. SB 180. Same name, too. Randy Robertson D-29Continue reading “Here They Come Again!”

Wolves Hiding In Plain Sight

Some Georgians can start voting this week. I’ve already gotten my mail-in ballot and will put that back in the mail ASAP. I have no intention of allowing my vote to go uncounted. Neither does my husband or his 100 year old mother. We vote. Vote is a verb which, in case you’ve forgotten, isContinue reading “Wolves Hiding In Plain Sight”

Desperate Wannabe Despot

Donald John Trump Senior has officially declared his candidacy for the THIRD TIME for the Presidency of the United States of America. God help us all. Once was more than enough for me. I wasn’t all that crazy about Hillary Clinton but I knew he was a rotten, low-down stinker from the jump. What IContinue reading “Desperate Wannabe Despot”