Putting a Roof Over Your Head

Just sit there and think for a few minutes about what you would do if you had to move out of where you live right now. Scary thought? Sure is for me. I would have to do something with my animals and I sure have a lot more STUFF than when we move down hereContinue reading “Putting a Roof Over Your Head”

The Brown Taxi

If you work, as I have in small rural and small town hospital emergency rooms, you rapidly learn the euphemism of “the brown taxi”. What it means is that there is some poor soul who was brought in because their behavior or mental processes were so out of control, erratic, violent, or dangerous to themselves/otherContinue reading “The Brown Taxi”

Rural Healthcare-Maternity Care

We who live in rural counties know how far it is to decent hospitals. We women are acutely aware of how far it is to vital maternity care for ourselves and our wee bairns. The problem is that every minute we have to travel means that much longer that we and our babies are aContinue reading “Rural Healthcare-Maternity Care”