Worried About Our Children’s Education

I know it will take time for our school systems to rebound from the COVID19 pandemic DISASTER (and it was exactly that, especially in terms of education.) We started at the back of the pack and, doggone, it got worse. What’s the truth? It’s hard to tell from what our own Superintendent of Education andContinue reading “Worried About Our Children’s Education”

Voter Registration-The Nuances

Most people, me included before I got into this political arena, just assume that anybody can sign up to vote. Not true. Now that will come as reassurance to those who have mistakenly thought that immigrants and foreigners could just walk in and vote in their community. Also not true. Let me give you someContinue reading “Voter Registration-The Nuances”

Where Do Our Schools Rank? Top? Bottom? Middle? Is Kemp Lying to Us Or Not?

One of my passions has always been an education for children, especially underprivileged children or children with some sort of problem. It probably stems from my own love of reading and sheer joy and fascination with all things science. (Though I will admit to shortcomings in math. But I blame that on what I nowContinue reading “Where Do Our Schools Rank? Top? Bottom? Middle? Is Kemp Lying to Us Or Not?”

Other Than The Fact That If Democrats Are For Something, They Are Duty Bound To Be Against It

Ever feel as though if Chuck Schumer came out in favor of taking daily showers, that Mitch McConnell et al would immediately stop bathing altogether? Or something similar with Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy? (Wonder if we should suggest it? Nyah. It would get really unbearable around there.) But it sure feels that way. BernieContinue reading “Other Than The Fact That If Democrats Are For Something, They Are Duty Bound To Be Against It”

Kemp Keeps Talking About How Good Georgia Schools Are, But Look Closer

Ever watch the old sleight of hand artists play the card game or the ball under the cup? Watch closely, they’ll tell you, and you are sure you are, but, somehow, you are just about always wrong. That’s what Kemp is doing. I never thought much about it because I didn’t have kids in school.Continue reading “Kemp Keeps Talking About How Good Georgia Schools Are, But Look Closer”