Immigrants And Jobs

That little “dueling border visit” thing that Joe Biden and Donald Trump did this week would have been hilariously funny if it hadn’t been so painfully pathetic. I’m as serious as a massive coronary. On the one hand, you had Donald Trump fumbling his speech, supposedly tripping over Gov. Gavin Newsom’s name (he wasn’t), tryingContinue reading “Immigrants And Jobs”

Employers & Unions

From negotiations for better working conditions, day care for single parents, paid sick time for family members, paid vacations, workman’s compensation, safety regulations to keep workers safe on the job, fair hiring and firing practices, fair promotions, fair performance evaluations, and a lot more, unions have brought a lot to the table for American workers.Continue reading “Employers & Unions”

Christmas Together 2023

Our last Christmas together as a democracy. That sounds really ominous, doesn’t it? But it very well could be the case. I certainly do not want it to be and my optimistic personality says that it won’t be, but I’m realistic enough to realize that in 2016, I didn’t think that our country would electContinue reading “Christmas Together 2023”

Oh, Boy, Another Healthcare Promise (Congress, Please Make It Stop)

Now we have yet another campaign promise for an alternative healthcare program. *yawn* I’m still waiting on him, and the entire party for that matter, to come up with an alternative to the Affordable Care Act enacted on March 23, 2010. They have had over thirteen YEARS to formulate something and so far, the resultsContinue reading “Oh, Boy, Another Healthcare Promise (Congress, Please Make It Stop)”

Forrest Gump Was Wrong: At Least Half Are Nuts

Boy, was he wrong! And I’ve come to the conclusion that quite a good many of them have gone rancid to boot. All of this is frustrating to me because I do love the “nuts” of society. They’re what makes life interesting, can be special, and different. But, doggone, folks! Enough already with the sheerContinue reading “Forrest Gump Was Wrong: At Least Half Are Nuts”

Do You Know The Fathers As Well As You Think? Ben Franklin

People today tend to view Ben Franklin with a rather kindly eye. He was an elderly guy, bald on top, wearing little glasses on his nose, and funny-looking clothes even for his day. If you are a bit more knowledgeable, you know that he was delegated to be an ambassador to the French court. HeContinue reading “Do You Know The Fathers As Well As You Think? Ben Franklin”

What Do Democrats Have To Offer? — Filosofa’s Word

This is a post that I read and enjoyed. She copied/pasted an article of Bernie Sanders that I find very pertinent to what I want to work toward. We do have more to offer than the Republican fascists. They are retro-gressive in their viewpoints. We want to move forward. They want to move us BACKWARDS.Continue reading “What Do Democrats Have To Offer? — Filosofa’s Word”