TOOT that Horn!

If you’ve never heard the Call to the Post in person, you’ll have to take my word for it that it does stir up some butterflies in the stomach. I’m not quite sure why, but it does. Every race track in the horse racing world uses it. It’s just a tradition and it sounds before each race. Bettors run to place last-second bets, spectators find places to watch the race and find the silks of their mount’s jockey, and, the horses get on edge for the race. The sound of that horn penetrates to all areas of the track and anticipation rises.

Figuratively speaking, we Democrats are really horrible about blowing OUR horns. We’ve been getting better lately, but, dang, folks, we really need to get out there and correct the record for a lot of things. These folks in the clown suits are cleaning our clocks and it is, frankly, nobody’s fault but our own. We AREN’T taking the credit for, as Joe Biden puts it, some BFDs, and if there is something that will make them look better to the public just laying around, then heck, yeah, they are going to pick it up, lie about where it came from, and take the credit. It’s what they do.

If you want to engage in a session of circular fanny kicking, be my guest. We deserve it on this one. Me? I’m an equal-opportunity fanny kicker. I’ll kick whatever fanny in need of a kicking in true bipartisan style. It just so happens that most of them happen to be Republican. I can’t help that. How do you keep up with the list of ‘wins’ for the Democratic Party? Well, my suggestion would be to go to either the DNC website or the DPG website. There are others, of course. The Joe Biden campaign site would keep a fairly exhaustive list as would the official White House site. That ought to get you started anyway.

My point is this:

  • First, familiarize yourself with what has been accomplished since Jan. 21, 2021 that is directly attributable to the Biden administration.
  • You might want to make a list (in my case, it would be very short) of the things that your people in Congress who do happen to be Republican actually VOTED for with the Democrats. (In my case, I’ll have to check back to be absolutely certain, but as of this moment, I doubt I need more than one hand.)
  • Then start telling people about what they are getting that DEMOCRATS did for them and what their GOP Congress people VOTED AGAINST.
  • Then just shut up. They can figure it out.

I’m running for the Georgia State Senate because I’m tired of all their shenanigans. It’s time for you to know that the person who represents you really does represent you and not some donor with special interests. I’m asking for your votes and your financial contributions to my campaign.

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Paid for by The Committee to Elect Ellen T. Wright State Senate D 29
P.O. Box 3816, LaGrange, GA 30241

Content is copyrighted by the author. It may be republished as long as it is unaltered and proper attribution is given. This included quotes or whole posts. My views are my own. Any errors in factual representations can be brought to my attention with proper documentation. I do not intend to mislead anyone. However, replies with crude or profane language will be ignored. You are hereby warned.

Endorsed by Emily’s List

Georgia Equality

Moms against Guns/Everytown

Georgia Conservation Voters

Paid for by The Committee to Elect Ellen T. Wright State Senate D 29
P.O. Box 3816, LaGrange, GA 30241

Content is copyrighted by the author. It may be republished as long as it is unaltered and proper attribution is given. This included quotes or whole posts. My views are my own. Any errors in factual representations can be brought to my attention with proper documentation. I do not intend to mislead anyone. However, replies with crude or profane language will be ignored. You are hereby warned.

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Published by Ellen T Wright

Live in west central GA with 5 horses, 2 dachshunds, 3 cats. Life is complicated. Especially when you are an older female living in rural Georgia and the system is definitely rigged against you. God, I've learned to appreciate at least something of what minorities go through. White men are such boar hogs.

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